The City of Talty is a Type A, General Law City with a Mayor/Council member form of Government.  The City has a Mayor and five (5) Council members which meet at 7 p.m. the third Tuesday of each month at Trinity Family Church.

City Government
 Frank Garrison  Mayor
 Brad Davis  Mayor Pro Tem
 John Davis  City Council member
 Bobby Crowley  City Council member
 Courtney McGrath  City Council member
Judy Trevino    City Council member
 James Stroman  City Manager
 Sherry Bagby  City Secretary
Municipal Court
Janice McKee        Municipal Judge
Nancy Sanford Court Clerk

9700 CR 213, Talty TX 75126   is the Talty Municipal Court's mailing address. It is also the physical location of its office and court sessions.
To contact the court please use  or call 972-552-9487. 


Regular court hours are 8 a.m to noon,  Monday thru Friday. 

Violators have twenty (20) days from the date of the ticket  to enter a written plea.  Please download and complete the proper form and mail with your payment within the time specified.  The options are printed at the bottom of your tickets. You may also pay by card online at: -
1-800-444-1187 or

Police Department
De Lawrence Gilbert, Chief
Jonathan Alba
Christian  Lopez
Alvin  Johnson
Darrell Haley
Stephen Lister
William Steele

Inspection Department
 Jeff Bagby  Building Inspector
Code Enforcement
Contact Us

New location and mailing address:     9700 CR 213, Talty TX 75126

Office Phone:   (972) 552-9592   Court Phone:  (972) 552-9487
Business Hours:       8am-Noon Monday thru Friday


Applications for building permits may be downloaded from our website under Developer's Corner.
A check must accompany your permit application at the time it is submitted, along with your plans, and plot survey.   
Builder’s can get next day inspections by calling the office before the office closes at noon each day. 
If you call to schedule an inspection after hours, please leave a message on the recorder. 

All contractors must register with the City before working in Talty.
The cost is $100 per year for builders.  You can download application from our website.
Voting and Elections:
Elections and voting locations are managed by Kaufman County. Please check the county website for specific details. Depending on the election type and level of precinct consolidation, the locations are most often Talty Baptist Church, First Baptist Church of Forney or Trinity Family Church. 
Early voting is consistently held at the Kaufman County Courthouse, any of the sub-courthouses, the Crandall Community Room at a campus on FM 1390. You may early vote at any location. Again, specific details will be available on the county website. 

Planning & Zoning Commission:
The Planning and Zoning Commission shall be responsible for the development and implementation of plans for the future growth and development of the City.  The Commission shall also be responsible for reviewing and recommending for approval or rejection to the City Council all development plans, proposals, zoning requests, subdivision plats, replats, site plans and zoning regulations.  The Commission shall further be responsible for the review and consideration of the adoption, updating, and revision of land use assumptions.